
About Me

Hi, I’m Caitlin.

I’m an idea kind of girl: I get an idea, and I think it’s fantastic. Sometimes I do something about the idea, and sometimes I don’t. One time, I had the idea to get side-swept bangs. Once I got them, I didn’t think it was such a good idea. Sometimes my ideas are half-baked. 

Something I really like the idea of is blogging and freelance writing. I keep on daydreaming about it, so I’ve decided to do something about it. But before I jump in all the way, I want to test the waters, to make sure it’s something I actually want to do. (See? I did learn something from the side-swept bangs incident.) 

Enter Schmalzig: The Blog about Nothing. I say it’s a blog about nothing, but, in fact, it’s a blog about anything. Here I can discover what I actually want to write about (I need to narrow down to one topic before I go all “pro”—if I ever do), whether I actually have enough to say, and whether anyone cares to listen. Some of my interests, and thus topics for this blog, include

  • Homemaking
  • Homeschooling and education
  • Kinda-crunchy parenting
  • My religion (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  • Real food and nutrition
  • The Well-Educated Mind reading list

Many of my interests stem from my roles as wife and mother. These are the most important aspects of my life. As such, I am a stay-at-home mom, and I do a little work on the side (I am so grateful that I am able to do so!). But my parenting philosophy and practicality dictate that I only work during nap time, before Little Monster (affectionately so named) wakes up and after he goes to bed. This gives me about three hours a day to pursue my own interests. For months, I have let this be an excuse for my inaction—but no more! I want to make the most of this time, and I hope this blog will give me a little accountability as I pursue my goals.

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your support as I reach for my dreams!

PS—I’m also an editor. My husband and I have an editing business that you can learn more about at I also write about editing, grammar, and English in general on our blog,

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